Polyhedra & Colors
by De Nigris Daniele
This new project "Polyhedra & Colors" it's a study on the relationship between polyhedra and colors. The more complicated step was to make the effects of transparency. This work has pleased me. I hope you like it and thank you for watching.

Info: denigrisdaniele@gmail.com
- outline of "ROMBICUBOTTAEDRO" -
- On frame -
- outline of "CUBOTTAEDRO" -
 "CUBOTTAEDRO" - (50x50cm)
- On frame -
- outline of "OTTAEDRO TRONCO" -
 "OTTAEDRO TRONCO" - (50x50cm)
- On frame -
- outline of "TETRAEDRO TRONCO" -
 "TETRAEDRO TRONCO" - (50x50cm)
- On frame -
- outline of "ICOSAEDRO" -
 "ICOSAEDRO" - (50x50cm)
- On frame -
The Irish band Mojo Fury have given me the honor of putting my artwork in their front cover of their album: "The Difference Between". 
I have received my copy with a nice letter and a pretty origami bird inside it. ...these are true satisfaction!:)


Polyhedra & Colors

Polyhedra & Colors

It's a study on the relationship between Polyhedra and colors.
